30 Nov 2010

Ngati Manawa to stage hikoi to Kaingaroa Forest

10:00 am on 30 November 2010

Ngati Manawa is planning a 20km hikoi next week to raise public awareness of its historical connection to the Kaingaroa Forest.

Ngati Manawa is one of eight tribes in the Central North Island iwi collective.

The record breaking Treelords Treaty settlement became law in September 2008 and iwi were allocated shares of Crown rental income.

But the mana whenau or cultural significance of the land wasn't determined.

Iwi spokesperson Pem Bird says the Central North Island collective has until July 2011 to determine mana whenua of 104,000 acres of land.

Mr Bird says the hikoi from Murupara to the Kaingaroa Forest turnoff next Thursday will be dignified and spiritual, not a protest.

He says Ngati Manawa are the only legitimate cultural owners of the land and their motherland has been used for commercial redress of other iwi.