1 Dec 2018

Sunny outlook for summer

8:46 am on 1 December 2018

It's the first day of summer and the next three months are expected to be extra warm according to NIWA.

Oriental Bay after weather bomb, not many on the beach but the sky is blue and sun it out

It's expected to be a warmer than usual summer for most parts of the country. Photo: RNZ / Rebekah Parsons-King

The summer forecast has indicated temperatures will be near or above average this season.

NIWA forecaster Ben Noll said there are a few reasons for the warmer weather.

"One is our warmer than average sea surface temperatures that surround New Zealand, also our wind flow is expecting to be from the west a lot during the season and that can blow some pretty hot air from the Australian continent," he said.

However, Mr Noll said it appears it'll be gloomy on the days surrounding Christmas for much of the country.

"We do see some unsettled weather late in the month and that is after a period of settled weather, so you may want to to head out and enjoy some early summer tramps in the mid-portion of the month," he said.

Rain forecasts overall are looking to be near normal (40 percent chance) or below normal (35 percent) for the north of the North Island and near normal (45 percent) or above normal (45 percent) for the west of the South Island.

For the rest of the country, near normal rainfall is expected.

Last year, New Zealand was battered by ex-tropical cyclones on several occasions, but the likelihood of an ex-tropical cyclone was near normal.

"The risk a little bit lower than last year, but it still means we could have one cyclone pass near our borders, but with the warmer seas it will be something we need to watch," he said.