23 Jun 2014

Fiji expats urged to use influence

4:06 pm on 23 June 2014

Fiji expatriates in New Zealand are being urged to use their influence over family in their homeland to bring an end to coups at the September general election.

Nearly two thousand Fiji citizens in New Zealand have registered to vote.

The National Federation Party opened its campaign for their support in Auckland at the weekend.

Its president, Tupou Draunidalo, says expats have an important say, with their votes and their financial influence over family in Fiji.

"We would like them to use that influence positively to bring about real changes in Fiji and our party has been strong in asking the electorate to not reward the coup-maker by not legitimising him in elections."

Tupou Draunidalo says a vote for the coup leader would also encourage the military to think it's okay to do it again.