Tuesday's headlines: John Tamihere seeking $620,000 in damages from Mediaworks; views of lay people would carry as much weight as that of expert opinion at Basin Reserve flyover hearing; building consents in Queenstown Lakes District on the rise.
NZ Herald
The New Zealand Herald leads with fallout from the roastbusters sex scandal. Former MP and radio talkback host John Tamihere is seeking $620,000 in damages from his former employer Mediaworks.
Other stories include the death of actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman and pictures of the man who arrived in the Marshall Islands 14 months after setting sail from Mexico.
Waikato Times
'Prison for baby death mum' is the headline in The Waikato Times, which has a picture of a Hamilton woman sentenced to prison for causing the death of her nine-week-old baby girl. The Judge blamed alcohol and the baby's sleeping arrangements for the death.
The Dominion Post
The Dominion Post has details of the start of an eight-week resource consent hearing for the Basin Reserve flyover project. The paper says during the hearing the board was quick to clarify that the views of lay people would carry as much weight as that of expert opinion.
In other news: Wellington College is still the only high school in the city which allows its students to start late. Other schools have decided against following suit as they believe it does not help students prepare for tertiary study or the workplace.
The Press
The Press leads with the headline 'warning on cost of quake repairs'. The paper says more money may have to be found to pay for repairs to damaged roads in Christchurch and underground water and waste pipes.
In other news: the paper says the Lyttleton Port Company has been told to clean up its act after a workplace accident at its Woolston container depot.
The Otago Daily Times says building consents in the Queenstown Lakes District are on the rise and those in the industry are cautiously optimistic the trend will continue.
And the paper says samples from a mystery object that killed motorist Rutger Hale in October are being analysed by the University of Otago's geology department.