17 Sep 2019

The Panel with Kathryn Burnett and Rodney Hide (Part 2)

From The Panel, 4:05 pm on 17 September 2019

How have your driving habits changed in the last 5 years? Do you drive more or less? Why? Another disucssion about whether a Universal Basic Income would work in New Zealand, this time Susan Edwards piece in Stuff. The nteresting thing about this policy is that it is suppoted by people on all sides of the spectrum. Those against say it woud be an enormous costs to society, supporters say it would wind back the often dehunanising effect of benefit targeting. We ask economist Eric Crampton for his pro and con list. A 71-year-old dancer says older people need claim their space in the world. Susan Jordan told Stuff she started teaching dance to people over 65 a decade ago, and has to remind many of her students to be confident and take up as much space as they like. We talk to Age Concern's Stephanie Clare about whether New Zealand is ageist. How much should taxpayer or ratepayer funded organisations spend on end of year Christmas Parties?