7 Aug 2019

The Panel with Jo McCarroll and Anton Matthews (Part 2)

From The Panel, 4:05 pm on 7 August 2019

Michael Fallows ahs written a piece on Stuff base don figures from Local Government NZ on who we are electing to these roles. The figures also look at the reasons for candidates standing in the roles as well as the age and ethnicity of councillors. Andrew Cardow, a senior lecturer at Massey University's School of Management, says it tends to be the same poeple taking these roles time and time again. We ask him to explain. Uber eats has been pretty popualr since it was introduced two years ago. But not all companies are faring well from the boom. The Herald has looked at the case of the Auckland eatery Poke Bar. It seems there's a real issue with Uber eats - it eats into businesses profits. The Sunday Telegraph has published a piece about dress codes on planes and whether it's appropriate - or even ironically stylish - to dress like a slob when you're 20,000 feet above the ground. The panellists weigh in on whether they are concerned about what they look like while travelling.