The Panel with Sally Wenley and Jerome Chandrahasen (Part 2)
The British Government may be looking at giving guidance on required sleep each night. A leaked draft of a UK public health green paper due to be published by the Health Secretary Matt Hancock shows the Government is likely to recommend daily hours of sleep because of growing evidence of the health impacts of lack of sleep. The panellists tell us whether they think this is a good idea for health and how many hours they sleep. The Boy With Tape On His Face, known more recently, as Tape Face has upset some fans. They think they've been duped after it came to light that it wasn't the original Tape Face performing in Las Vegas, rather someone akin to a franchisee. We thought we'd touch on this item that aired on Checkpoint last night. Born at just 25 weeks Hami has spastic quadriplegia cerebal palsy - he suffers seizures, he cant speak and he is blind and is utterly dependent on caregibvers and family. There's a generation of New Zealanders who fall into the so-called measles immunity gap. They're people in their teens to mid-30s. This is the age group who are more likely than other demographics not to have been vaccinated. The National Measles Elimination Verification Committee met in May last year and they recommended a national programme around immunisation. No that hasn't happened. Unless you count a $35, 000 awareness campaign. Dr Helen Petousis-Harris says what's needed is a comprehensive, nationwide social media campaign. The latest culinary craze in Japan is to perfect the art of making toast. In Japan it's made from shokupan - which is a soft, white loaf. Mitsubishi has brought out a $400 toaster..well it's more thahn a toaster - it's a bread toasts a singel slice of bread at a time, sealing it inside a metal box and toasting it with two hot plates. Meanwhile, if you prefer eating out, Centre the Bakery, in Tokyo's upmarket Ginza district, provides a range of toasters that diners can choose from and use at their tables.