16 Apr 2019

The Panel with Michele A'Court and Andrew Hoggard (Part 2)

From The Panel, 4:05 pm on 16 April 2019

What food/drink item would you consider essential in a bunker? Apparently coffee is not an essential item to have in a nuclear bunker. Since WW1 Switzerland encouraged all its citizend to stockpile goods in case of a nuclear war, with the Government recently distributing a 2-page booklet that urges everyone to stockpile food and drink themselves. But one item that has fallen off the official stockpile list is coffee. The panelists tell us if they'd need coffee in the case of an emergency. A very interesting article by Simon Wilson in The New Zealand Herald, where he lays out the debate for utilising Auckland's waterfront better than pehaps we are doing now. The panelists weigh in on whether we need to do more with the space. A man has died in a fatal quad bike crash on a farm in Makarau, north of Auckland. He'd been trapped under the bike and died at the scene police say. It's just one of a number of fatalities involving quad bikes recently. We speak to Tony Watson from the Agricultural Leaders' Health and Safety Group about what needs to change. Aucklanders are able to have their say on changes to the council's dog policy. The proposal would set a single rule when dogs are restricted from parks and beachers - that would replace the 17 different rules that exist across the region. Some aren't happy, saying it will make taking your dog for a walk harder. The panelists weigh in.