10 Apr 2019

The Panel with Mamari Stephens and Ian Telfer (Part 2)

From The Panel, 4:05 pm on 10 April 2019

If you could ban something, what would it be? The Tearfund ethical fashion report came out today. It lists the heroes and the villains of New Zealand clothing brands, judging them on things like workers rights and environmental factors. On the hero side we have Icebreaker, Freeset, Liminal, Kowtow, Kathmandu, Nature Baby, and AS Colour. On the villain side, there's Farmers, Baby City, Trelise Cooper, World and Merric. The idea of flexible work hours is welcomed by most progressive workplaces. Two-thirds of New Zealand workers have bosses who say they're happy for their employees to leave early, if they have stuff to do like picking up their kids. But research by Colmar Brunton found only around 25 % of workers feel comfortable "leaving loudly" during normal work hours. Asks a year 12 student in a piece she penned in the Guardian -" If your own parents had been able to post whatever about you, wouldnt you be a little disgruntled too ?