6 Nov 2018

The Panel with Moira Lawler and Chris Wikaira (Part 2)

From The Panel, 4:05 pm on 6 November 2018

The Melbourne Cup kicks off in half an hour, amid unseasonal, torrential rain in Australia's second-largest city. What the Panelists Moira Lawler and Chris Wikaira want to talk about. Voters in the United States head to the polls for mid-term elections tomorrow, and both political parties are pulling out all the stops to make sure the result goes their way. Consumer NZ has harshly condemned most types of mechanical insurance, saying they're overly complicated and contain lots of technicalities which allow insurers to absolve themselves from paying up. Consumer NZ's chief researcher Jessica Wilson joins us to explain more. Air NZ has released a new safety video, but are they more useful as forms of entertainment than safety guides these days? There isn't much (visible) fallout from Guy Fawkes yesterday, but public sentiment towards the celebration seems to be shifting.