22 Aug 2018

The Panel with Rebekah White and Joe Bennett (Part 1)

From The Panel, 4:03 pm on 22 August 2018

It looks like Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull could be on his last legs. The go through PMs at a rate of knots. No Prime Minister who has won an Australian election since 2004 has lasted until the next election. Has Australia ever attracted you as a place to live and work? Fewer people in prison, more rehabilitation, more Police on the beat. That's all well and good. But will it happen and will it make any difference? Criminologist Greg Newbold thinks the Justice Summit is a waste of time. The alleged offenders who held-up a dairy in Whangarei and demanded that the woman hand over her two month-old baby girl are 15 and 16 years old. Once they go through the Court process what will become of them? We ask lawyer Sonja Cooper if the after court care they'll get will be good enough to stop them re-offending.