2 Aug 2018

The Panel with Penny Ashton and Chris Wikaira (Part 2)

From The Panel, 4:05 pm on 2 August 2018

At long last dogs are out-popularising cats on the internet. Along with that, dog lovers are creating their own words to go with their social media sharing. Words like doggo, woofer, pupper, pupperino, and fluffer. On instagram 22 of the 50 most followed pet accounts are dog-related. What the Panelists Penny Ashton and Chris Wikaira want to talk about. Victoria University in Wellington is looking at changing its name. Mainly because of all the other Victoria Universities around the world. However, there's a groundswell of opposition to the change. Gwynn Compton tallks about his petition for the status quo and why changing the university's name is a bad idea. The CEO of the Irish airline Ryanair Michael O'Leary has turned down his annual bonus. He waived his bonus due to the pilot scheduling mix-up that led to a labour dispute and 20,000 flight cancellations. Perhaps it's a good example of fiscal responsibility and other CEOs will follow his lead. Perhaps not.