The Panel with Paula Penfold and Allan Blackman (Part 1)
On the day of that awful car crash just outside waverley, six dead now, including a baby. Fill 'er up before Sunday as that's when the Auckland regional fuel tax comes into affect. The A.A. predicts freight and transport companies will swiftly re-route their re-fuelling routes to try to avoid the tax. And economist Brad Olsen says the tax won't stop at fuel. He says we'll all start paying more for our groceries and other goods as the tax is passed on. Analysis by ASB has found somewhere between 11 and 21 per cent of New Zealand residential property has been bought by foreign buyers. This is quite a hike up from Statistics New Zealand's estimate of three per cent. ASB economist Mark Smith explains how his analysis could be vastly different from that of Statistics New Zealand and if he's right - how has this affected house prices? Wallabies are a pest, affecting our native species and farmers pasture. The Otago Regional Council has launched an inquiry following two wallaby sighting son the outskirts of Dunedin. Previously it was thought they were contained in South Canterbury. The question is how did these wallabies manage to stray so far outside the containment area? This is going to become an issue of "how" for us, because the Government will ban plastic bags at some stage, it has said.