30 May 2018

The Panel with Chris Wikaira and Jo McCarroll (Part 2)

From The Panel, 4:05 pm on 30 May 2018

Doctors are warning they are seeing people addicted to bitcoin, as the cryptocurrency becomes more popular. The issue is being compared to high-stakes gambling that can totally consume those who play. The huge losses and gains makes it thrilling. Auckland Grammar has announced it will be designing its own curriculum, complete with exams, in reaction to proposed changes to NCEA. The changes could see exams abandoned at level 1, which Auckland Grammar doesn't agree with. The panelists weigh in on whether exams have merit or not. In the fallout of the report by Sir Peter Gluckman on meth contmainated houses, many are claling for compensation. Sir Gluckman found there's never been any evidence of illness from third-hand exposure to methamphetamine, which is a bit late for those who were evicted from houses over this issue. We talk to Alastair Russell, from Auckland Action Against Poverty about the experiences some of these people had. The migrant man dubbed a hero for saving a child of a balcony has been granted legal immigration status who his actions. However there have been people calling out the French Government for double standards over the issue, asking whether migrants must do heroic acts to be considered for citizenship. What the Panelists Chris Wikaira and Jo McCarroll want to talk about.