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The Panel for Monday 2 May 2022
The Pre-Panel with Parmjeet Parmar and Max Harris
3:45 PM.Panellists Parmjeet Parmar and Max Harris discuss a heartwarming rescue story, akin to an episode of Lassie in Taupo, and what the panellist have been thinking about. Read more Audio
The Panel with Parmjeet Parmar and Max Harris (Part 1)
4:05 PM.Panellists Parmjeet Parmar and Max Harris discuss sea-level rise in Aotearoa, Covid-19 in schools, and using the word 'mate', colloquially. Anna Thomas in for Wallace Chapman. Read more Audio
The Panel with Parmjeet Parmar and Max Harris (Part 2)
4:30 PM.Panellists Parmjeet Parmar and Max Harris discuss a wealth tax, a top court in Italy has found that assigning children with the surname of only their father is constitutionally illegitimate, and… Read more Audio