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The Panel for Wednesday 28 July 2021
The Pre-Panel with Nalini Baruch and Andrew Clay
3:45 PM.Panellists Nalini Baruch and Andrew Clay share what they've been thinking about lately and answer panellists' questions for 'Dear Panel'. Read more Audio
The Panel with Nalini Baruch and Andrew Clay (Part 1)
4:06 PM.Panellists Nalini Baruch and Andrew Clay discuss NZ Rugby's sponsorship deal with INEOS, mental health under pressure at the Olympics, and checking your phone at work. Read more Audio
The Panel with Nalini Baruch and Andrew Clay (Part 2)
4:08 PM.Panellists Nalini Baruch and Andrew Clay discuss the New South Wales lockdown with a Kiwi living in Sydney, growing support for mandatory Kiwisaver, the closure of Farry's menswear store, and facial… Read more Audio