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The Panel for Wednesday 15 July 2020
Story of the Day with Amelia Langford
3:50 PM.Amelia Langford discusses the new online craze of people sharing videos of what appears to be ordinary, inedible objects that turn out to be elaborately-constructed cakes. Read more Audio
What the panellists have been thinking about
3:55 PM.Panellists Rajorshi Chakraborti and Victoria Stewart share what they have been thinking about. Read more Audio
The Panel with Victoria Stewart and Rajorshi Chakraborti (Part 1)
4:06 PM.National's new leadership team under spotlight; Planned Pasifika super rugby side; 'Air Bridge' with Cook Islands on table. Audio
The Panel with Victoria Stewart and Rajorshi Chakraborti (Part 2)
4:07 PM.Police to use 24 unmarked cars to deter risky drivers; The state of Florida is grappling with Covid 19; Student research into seasonal vegetables. Audio
National's new leadership team under spotlight
4:08 PM.Professor of Public Policy at AUT Dame Marilyn Waring, and former National MP, joins the Panel to discuss National's new leadership team. Read more Audio
Planned Pasifika super rugby side
4:17 PM.A new professional rugby union team Kanaloa Hawaii has had its bid to join the America's Major League Rugby confirmed and is in talks with NZ Rugby to join a revamped Super Rugby competition. Read more Audio
'Air Bridge' with Cook Islands on table
4:26 PM.There is talk under way of an 'Air Bridge' between New Zealand and the Cook Islands. Read more Audio
Today in music history
4:32 PM.Today in music history: lead singer and lyricist of the post-punk band Joy Division Ian Curtis was born in 1956. Read more Audio
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Police to use 24 unmarked cars to deter risky drivers
4:34 PM.The Panel discusses a new police initiative to introduce a new fleet of 24 unmarked cars to deter risky drivers. Read more Audio
Florida grappling with rising Covid-19 cases
4:40 PM.The state of Florida is grappling with Covid-19, with cases reaching record numbers. Journalist David Neal from the Miami Herald joins The Panel to discuss. Read more Audio
Student research into seasonal vegetables
4:50 PM.Food tech teacher Chantelle Gerrard joins the Panel to talk about her students' research into seasonal vegetables. Audio