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The Panel for Tuesday 13 August 2019
The Panel, Tuesday August 13th
12:00 PM.Today's panellists are the PR specialist and former National Party president Michelle Boag, and the former MP and United Future leader Peter Dunne
Coming up
The Panel with Michelle Boag and Peter Dunne (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Dairy giant Fontera says it expects to make a reported loss of more than $590 million this financial year. Phil Barry from TDB Advisory joins us to explain why, and what's next. The Greens are looking… Read more Audio
The Panel with Michelle Boag and Peter Dunne (Part 2)
4:05 PM.What's your favourite ever album cover? The Official Information Act is under the microscope. The Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier joins the Panel to discuss exactly what's going wrong, and whether the… Read more Audio
Fonterra in dire straits
4:08 PM.Dairy giant Fontera says it expects to make a reported loss of more than $590 million this financial year. Phil Barry from TDB Advisory joins us to explain why, and what's next. Audio
Where to next for the Green party?
4:18 PM.The Greens are looking to be the first minor party ever to break the five percent threshold immediately following a term in government. But can Audio
Hong Kong conflict continues to escalate
4:24 PM.Hong Kong's international airport over the last day cancelled all its flights after thousands of demonstrators crowded into the terminal. Where is this conflict headed? Audio
What's your favourite ever album cover?
4:28 PM.50 years ago..The Beatles gathered at a pedestrian crossing in London outsdie EMI studios in St Johns Wood London. Audio
Does the OIA need to be rebuilt from the ground up?
4:36 PM.The Official Information Act is under the microscope. The Chief Ombudsman Peter Boshier joins the Panel to discuss exactly what's going wrong, and whether the Act can be fixed - or whether an entirely… Read more Audio
KiwiRail launches impactful new train safety ad
4:45 PM.KiwiRail has launched a remarkable new safety ad, showing CCTV footage of near misses, overlaid with narration by a train driver - who has to live with the consequences of pedestrians' carelessness. Audio
Stats NZ boss to resign following Census botch-up
4:50 PM.The head of Stats NZ, Liz MacPherson, will step down later this year following the release of a condemning report into the botched 2018 census. Audio
What defines a nude beach?
4:55 PM.A wonderful item by Glenn McConnell about how a beach becomes nude drew our attention... Audio