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The Panel for Tuesday 9 April 2019
I've been thinking for 9 April 2019
3:55 PM.What the Panelists Julia Hartley-Moore and Chris Gallavin have been thinking about. Audio
The Panel with Julia Hartley-Moore and Chris Gallavin (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Some amendments have been made to the bill before parliament to toughen-up the country's firearms laws. International law professor Al Gillespie has has concerns. He says "innocent until proven guilty… Read more Audio
The Panel with Julia Hartley-Moore and Chris Gallavin (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Is it time to clamp down on the wheel clamping cowboys ? A bill to have wheel clamping fees capped has its first reading in the house this week. The University of Kansas is offering a new course in… Read more Audio
Tweaks to new gun laws
4:09 PM.Some amendments have been made to the bill before parliament to toughen-up the country's firearms laws. International law professor Al Gillespie has has concerns. He says "innocent until proven guilty… Read more Audio
Light pollution concerns over proposed LED lights for Dunedin
4:20 PM.Some of Dunedin's amber sodium streetlights are to be replaced by a new generation of LED bulbs. These provide excellent lighting but many residents are lamenting they won't be able to appreciate the… Read more Audio
Wheel clamping cowboys?
4:32 PM.Is it time to clamp down on the wheel clamping cowboys? A bill to have wheel clamping fees capped has its first reading in the house this week. Audio
New course - Angry White Male Studies
4:41 PM.The University of Kansas is offering a new course in "Angry White Male Studies". Audio
Local RSAs cancel ANZAC Day services
4:49 PM.Many RSA branches have had to cancel their ANZAC commemorations after a government decision to reduce the number of venues allowed to host them. This is on the back of heightened security in the… Read more Audio
Coffee snobs unite
4:56 PM.Coffee snobs are not only telling people the way real coffee should be made, they're now refusing to make it any other way to cafe customers. A BBC piece looks at the new breed of high-end coffee… Read more Audio
Panelists for Wednesday 10 April 2019
5:00 PM.Māori law academic Mamari Stephens is in the RNZ Wellington studio and journalist Ian Telfer is in Dunedin.
Coming up