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The Panel for Friday 14 December 2018
Pre-Panel & One Quick Question for 14 December 2018
3:45 PM.Is there a limit on how much noise a Harley-Davidson can make? Is there any push for a four-year parliamentary term? And why can't I put my tissues in the compost? Audio
Story of the day for 14 December 2018
3:54 PM.A story from the New York times now - which looks into research into aerobic exercise - jogging, interval training - that sort of thing - which finds that yes it does make our cells biologically… Read more Audio
The Panel with Ian Telfer and Nicky Pellegrino (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Kendra Cocksedge is the first female player to ever win the Kelvin R Tremain Memorial Player of the Year Award, and we're lucky enough to have her on the line! Donald Trump's former lawyer and fixer… Read more Audio
The Panel with Ian Telfer and Nicky Pellegrino (Part 2)
4:05 PM.What hobbies do you have that keep you going? The panellists weigh in... What the panellists Ian Telfer and Nicky Pellegrino want to talk about. Mai Chen has been carrying out research for WorkSafe… Read more Audio
Kendra Cocksedge wins NZ Rugby Player of the Year
4:08 PM.Kendra Cocksedge is the first female player to ever win the Kelvin R Tremain Memorial Player of the Year Award, and we're lucky enough to have her on the line! Audio
Michael Cohen given three year jail sentence
4:17 PM.Kendra Cocksedge is the first female player to ever win the Kelvin R Tremain Memorial Player of the Year Award, and we're lucky enough to have her on the line! Audio
Hot dogs and sugary drinks on the way out?
4:21 PM.The Christchurch City Council is planning to phase fatty food and sugary drinks out of its events and facilities ... is this a good move, or do you like a good hot dog on a day out? Audio
Are our Great Walks overpriced?
4:25 PM.New Zealanders pay roughly half the rate of tourists to stay in huts on our Great Walks, but does that discrepancy mean tourists are being priced out of the market? Audio
Hobbies that prolong your longevity
4:32 PM.What hobbies do you have that keep you going? The panellists weigh in... Audio
New report into workplace safety in super-diverse cities
4:42 PM.Mai Chen has been carrying out research for WorkSafe about how to maintain a safe working culture in cities with super-diverse cultural and linguistic populations. She joins us to explain a bit about… Read more Audio
Govt considers compensation for beachfront homeowners
4:47 PM.Who should be paying out compensation to beachfront property owners whose homes will likely be affected by climate change? Audio
Smokefree 2025 looking like a pipe dream
4:51 PM.In order to meet the Smokefree 2025 goal, about 17,000 more people need to quit per year than are at the moment. Was a target this ambitious always going to fail? Audio
Breastfeeding in public
4:55 PM.A new report out of the University of Auckland today about public attitudes towards breastfeeding in public and apparently we're overwhelmingly in favour.. or at least overwhelmingly not against it… Read more Audio
Keeping yourself safe at Christmas-time!
4:58 PM.ACC has released its annual list of strange Christmas injuries ... apparently last year more than 4-thousand people were injured on Christmas Day alone, costing ACC a touch over three-and-a-half… Read more Audio