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The Panel for Thursday 22 February 2018
One Quick Question for 22 February 2018
3:47 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Audio
The Panel pre-show for 22 February 2018
3:53 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Julia Hartley Moore and James Nokise (Part 1)
4:03 PM.New Zealand has been ranked as the least corrupt country in the world. But is that really the case? The rating from Transparency International looks at the "perceived level of public sector corruption… Read more Audio
The Panel with Julia Hartley Moore and James Nokise (Part 2)
4:05 PM.The famous evangelist preacher, Billy Graham, has died age 99. Salvation is the topic of today's half-time discussion on The Panel. Julia Hartley Moore and James Nokise each have topics they want to… Read more Audio
Should personal fireworks be banned?
4:16 PM.Following calls from two Auckland councillors for personal fireworks to be banned, The Pannelists give their thoughts on the matter. Read more Audio
Census 2018: the shape of New Zealand
4:19 PM.The Census forms are being delivered. The Panel talks to demographer Dr Natalie Jackson about what shape the country is taking and what types of jobs we need. Read more Audio
Overseas buyers in Queenstown
4:28 PM.The Queenstown Lakes District Council wants luxury homes exempt from the Government ban on foreign buyers. The council says it is benefitting significantly from people purchasing luxury homes. Read more Audio
Billy Graham and salvation
4:32 PM.The famous evangelist preacher, Billy Graham, has died age 99. Salvation is the topic of today's half-time discussion on The Panel. Read more Audio
What the Panellists have to say
4:37 PM.Julia Hartley Moore and James Nokise each have topics they want to talk about. Audio
What Christchurch needs 7 years on
4:40 PM.One of the heroes from the Christchurch earthquake gives his take on where the city is at today and what needs to be done. Read more Audio
Beer-wine hybrid the bridge for the indecisive
4:48 PM.Will beer-wine be a terrible idea or will it kick off? Read more Audio
Worst Olympian Ever
4:54 PM.Worst. Olympian. Ever... with full stops between the words. That is a real Twitter-sryle putdown. It's alluding to Hungarian halfpipe skier Elizabeth Swaney. Read more Audio
New Zealander of the year tonight
4:56 PM.This year's New Zealander of the year will be announced at an award ceremony in Auckland tonight. It's between Mike King, Kristine Bartlett and Dr Siouxsie Wiles. Audio
On the show today we've got Private Investigator, Julia Hartley Moore, as well as comedian, James Nokise.