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The Panel for Friday 18 August 2017
One Quick Question for 18 August 2017
3:47 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Read more Audio
The Panel pre-show for 18 August 2017
3:52 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Read more Audio
The Panel with Tracey Bridges and Nevil Gibson (Part 1)
4:03 PM.There has been another terror attack involving a vehicle driving into pedestrians, this time in a busy tourist area of Barcelona. Thirteen people are confirmed dead and 100 injured. Can the Green… Read more Audio
The Panel with Tracey Bridges and Nevil Gibson (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Are office dress codes out of date? Research shows an increasing number of people are flouting the rules by not wearing ties, or wearing comfortable shoes. What our panellists Tracey Bridges and Nevil… Read more Audio
Barcelona Terror Attack
4:08 PM.There has been another terror attack involving a vehicle driving into pedestrians, this time in a busy tourist area of Barcelona. Thirteen people are confirmed dead and 100 injured Audio
Green's polling woes
4:12 PM.Can the Green party come back after slipping below the 5 percent threshold? Audio
Aaron Smith case drags on
4:15 PM.The NZRU is reopening an investigation into the Aaron Smith sex scandal following revelations from the woman involved Audio
Australia's political citizenship crisis worsens
4:18 PM.Australian constitutional expert, Anne Twomey discusses the deepening citizenship crisis in Australia, with the National Party's deputy leader, Fiona Nash joining Barnaby Joyce in referring herself to… Read more Audio
NZ's drinking water woes
4:27 PM.Ministry of Health's latest Annual Drinking Water Quality Report shows 32 water distribtion zones are listed as" transgressing" for excessive e coli samples. Audio
People are rebelling against office dress codes
4:32 PM.Are office dress codes out of date? Research shows an increasing number of people are flouting the rules by not wearing ties, or wearing comfortable shoes. Audio
Panel Says
4:38 PM.What our panellists Tracey Bridges and Nevil Gibson want to talk about. Audio
Can we have fast trains on our exising tracks?
4:43 PM.Yesterday we discussed a proposal for high speed rail between Auckland, Waikato and Bay of Plenty. Today we ask if it would be possible to have fast trains on our existing tracks? Read more Audio
Race division in the US
4:46 PM.American history expert, Dr Raymond Richards on why he thinks the US having confederate statues would be the same as Germany having statues of Hitler. Audio
The new On the Fence election tool
4:53 PM.Our panellists take the new Massey University election tool and find surprising results. Audio