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The Panel for Tuesday 4 July 2017
One Quick Question for 4 July 2017
3:48 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Audio
The Panel pre-show for 4 July 2017
3:55 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Jennie Moreton and Steve McCabe (Part 1)
4:03 PM.What does Independence day mean for the USA? The government's put $5m of taxpoayer money into the next Team New Zealand defence. A recent 100 thousand dollar payout to a victim of workplace bullying… Read more Audio
The Panel with Jennie Moreton and Steve McCabe (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Want to be a success? Take a long, hard admiring look in the mirror. What Jennie Moreton and Steve McCabe want to talk about. Tech writer Juha Saarinen discusses keeping kids away from R rated online… Read more Audio
Govt gives Team NZ $5m
4:11 PM.The government's put $5m of taxpoayer money into the next Team New Zealand defence. Audio
Record payout for workplace bullying case
4:13 PM.Wellington Employment Lawyer Charles McGuinness discusses a recent 100 thousand dollar payout to a victim of workplace bullying, and explains what people should do if they believe they are being… Read more Audio
Meat allergy from tick bite
4:27 PM.Venom from a tick in the United States is rendering people allergic to red meat. Audio
Narcissists have more success
4:32 PM.Want to be a success? Take a long, hard admiring look in the mirror. Audio
No app for internet safety
4:43 PM.Tech writer Juha Saarinen discusses keeping kids away from R rated online material. You need to be a helicopter parent. Audio
Petrol companies raking it in
4:53 PM.Consumer NZs Paul Smith talks about the profit margins of our major petrol retailers. Audio
US Governor's private party on public beach
4:57 PM.Austerity hits New Jersy with the shut down of public parks and recreational areas. But Gov Chris Christie still has a party at a public beach. Audio