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The Panel for Thursday 4 May 2017
One Quick Question for 4 May 2017
1:47 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Audio
The Panel pre-show for 4 May 2017
1:51 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Catherine Robertson and Emma Espiner (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Our new Foreign Affairs Minister Gerry Brownlee hasn't made a dent in the Australian attitude to kiwis. Ex-pat Kyle Lockwood talks about discrimination in Australia. The chair of the Law Society's… Read more Audio
The Panel with Catherine Robertson and Emma Espiner (Part 2)
4:05 PM.People are committing crimes and displaying their greatest pain and suffering on social media. What the Panelists Catherine Robertson and Emma Espiner want to talk about. A new biography about Barack… Read more Audio
Brownlee's first 48 hours
4:09 PM.Our new Foreign Affairs Minister Gerry Brownlee hasn't made a dent in the Australian attitude to kiwis. Ex-pat Kyle Lockwood talks about discrimination in Australia. Audio
Elderly woman wants to get out of house sale
4:16 PM.The chair of the Law Society's Property Section Duncan Terris talks about property contracts if you can get out of them. Audio
Finding a place to live when single, female and over 50
4:25 PM.It can be very hard for women over 50 to find a place to live. Audio
Social media - the new social services?
4:32 PM.People are committing crimes and displaying their greatest pain and suffering on social media. Audio
Barack Obama laid bare
4:45 PM.A new biography about Barack Obama exposes the former US president's drug taking, relationships and infidelity. Audio
Cold and flu remedies largely bogus
4:48 PM.Infectious diseases expert Michael Baker of the University of Otago explains why cold and flu medicines don't work. Audio
Fathering inside prison
4:55 PM.A convicted murderer wants to be able to donate sperm so he can father a child. Audio
From nicotine to caffeine
4:58 PM.The Imperial tobacco company is looking at growing the market for caffeine energy supplements. Audio