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The Panel for Thursday 9 February 2017
One Quick Question for 9 February 2017
3:47 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Audio
The Panel pre-show for 9 February 2017
3:53 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Michael Moynhan and Tony Doe (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Justice minister Amy Adams has announced that historic gay sex convictions will be wiped from all records. Professor Andrew Geddis, international law expert at Otago University joins the discussion on… Read more Audio
The Panel with Michael Moynhan and Tony Doe (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Healthy Food Guide Editor at large Nikki Bezzant joins the conversation on the correct way to cook rice. What panelists Michael Moynhan and Tony Doe have been up to. Ken Shirley from the Road… Read more Audio
Historic gay sex convictions to be quashed
4:08 PM.What panelists Michael Moynhan and Tony Doe have been up to. Audio
MFAT sets up a special US watchdog
4:08 PM.Professor Andrew Geddis, international law expert at Otago University joins the discussion on MFAT setting up a special group to try and keep up with rapid policy changes in the US. Audio
Lawyer for students facing deportation
4:24 PM.Lawyer, Alastair McClymont, who works with the Indian students facing deportation talks to the Panel about why they are digging in their heels over their situation. Audio
Not cooking rice properly leads to arsenic poisoning
4:32 PM.Healthy Food Guide Editor at large Nikki Bezzant joins the conversation on the correct way to cook rice. Audio
The slowness in clearing road accidents
4:46 PM.Ken Shirley from the Road Transport Forum joins the conversation on why it takes so long to clear a crash site on major roads leading to big disruptions for motorists. Audio
Wgtn region Cyclists greater-than-average risk of injury
4:55 PM.Cyclists in the Wellington region have a greater-than-average risk of being killed or seriously injured compared with other areas of the country. Audio