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The Panel for Monday 23 January 2017
One Quick Question for 23 January 2017
3:47 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Audio
The Panel pre-show for 23 January 2017
3:52 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Ellen Read and Greg O'Connor (Part 1)
4:03 PM.$1.7bn to be pumped into Auckland drainage system. New York based New Zealander Renee Mundy talks about the women's march in Washington DC. Niwa forecaster Ben Noll talks about January weather. Audio
The Panel with Ellen Read and Greg O'Connor (Part 2)
4:07 PM.What tie colour says about a man. What the Panelists Ellen Read and Greg O'Connor want to talk about. The demise of journalism and the rise of Donald Trump. Annie Hill who's lived aboard boats for… Read more Audio
Auckland in the poo
4:09 PM.$1.7bn to be pumped into Auckland drainage system. Audio
New Zealander talks about womens march in DC
4:11 PM.New York based New Zealander Renee Mundy talks about the women's march in Washington DC. Audio
Is this January's weather really worse than usual?
4:23 PM.Niwa forecaster Ben Noll talks about January weather. Audio
Panel Says
4:36 PM.What the Panelists Ellen Read and Greg O'Connor want to talk about. Audio
Compulsory lifejackets
4:47 PM.Annie Hill who's lived aboard boats for decades says it's ridiculous to be made to wear a lifejacket at all times. Audio
UK roast potato health warning
4:54 PM.Chris Jackson of the Cancer Society on how much cancer risk there is from eating roast vegies. Audio