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The Panel for Thursday 20 October 2016
One Quick Question for 20 October 2016
3:50 PM.We find the answers to any queries you can think up. Read more Audio
The Panel pre-show for 20 October 2016
3:53 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Barry Corbett and Dita de Boni (Part 1)
4:03 PM.Political correspondent Karen Kasler has a round up of the third US presidential candidates debate. Political scientist Bryan Cranston talks about the money machine in US politics. Rick Shine of the… Read more Audio
The Panel with Barry Corbett and Dita de Boni (Part 2)
4:05 PM.Do you start the day on the right foot? What the Panelists Barry Corbett and Dita de Boni want to talk about. Lawyer Gareth Abdinor discusses legal issues around inspecting mobile phones in prisons… Read more Audio
Trump vs Clinton mk 3
4:08 PM.Political correspondent Karen Kasler has a round up of the third US presidential candidates debate. Audio
Forget political polls it's about the money
4:21 PM.Political scientist Bryan Cranston talks about the money machine in US politics. Audio
Cane toads
4:26 PM.Rick Shine of the University of Sydney talks about his prize winning idea to combat cane toads - introduce more cane toads. Audio
Mobile phones in prisons
4:43 PM.Lawyer Gareth Abdinor discusses legal issues around inspecting mobile phones in prisons. Audio
$50k sister city celebration not a party
4:50 PM.Wellington ratepayers money to the tume of $51 000 was used to celebrate the signing of a sister city agreement with Canberra. Audio
Sugary drinks advertising
4:55 PM.Sugary drinks and junk food are set to come under tough new restrictions when being advertised to children. Audio