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The Panel for Friday 29 July 2016
One Quick Question
3:45 PM.Today - questions about the dark side of the moon, and why private health insurance isn't tax deductible. Audio
The Panel pre-show for 29 July 2016
3:46 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Michael Moynahan and James Elliott (Part 1)
4:00 PM.Panel intro;Auckland Unitary Plan;Kevin Rudd;Democrats' National Convention. Audio
Panel intro
4:10 PM.What the Panelists Michael Moynahan and James Elliott have been up to. Audio
Auckland Unitary Plan
4:12 PM.There will be no miniumum size for apartments so will we see more shoebox apartments? Audio
Kevin Rudd
4:17 PM.Australian politicians are conflicted over supporting Kevin Rudd's tilt for the UN Secretary General. Audio
Democrats' National Convention
4:26 PM.NPR correspondent Karen Kasler talks to us from Philadelphia on the last day of the Democrats' National Convention. Audio
The Panel with Michael Moynahan and James Elliott (Part 2)
4:30 PM.Are you attracted to danger? Panel says;Organ donor register;Lock up the chocolate;Rio Olympics. Audio
Are you attracted to danger?
4:33 PM.Luke Aikins will jump out of a plane above California with no parachute and free fall 25,000 feet into a net. Audio
Panel says
4:40 PM.What the Panelists Michael Moynahan and James Elliott have been thinking about. Audio
Organ donor register
4:43 PM.Andy Tookey of Give Life talks about the need for an organ donation register. Audio
Lock up the chocolate
4:46 PM.A Melbourne K-Mart is locking up chocolate bars so people dont steal and eat them while they shop. Audio
Rio Olympics
4:58 PM.Do the Olympics have a future? Audio