Navigation for The Panel
The Panel for Monday 11 July 2016
The Panel pre-show for 11 July 2016
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with John Barnett and Selwyn Manning (Part 1)
4:05 PM.Topics - Leroy Beckett of Generation Zero with his views on the Labour Party's newly-announced housing policy. Former Christchurch mayor Garry Moore talks about a new promotional video for… Read more Audio
The Panel with John Barnett and Selwyn Manning (Part 2)
4:06 PM.Topics - There are more young people on earth than there has ever been. What of the future for them? Pokemon Go player Reuben Tilley talks about his lifelong love of Pokemon and explains what Go is… Read more Audio
Panel Intro
4:07 PM.What the Panelists John Barnett and Selwyn Manning have been up to. Audio
Labour's housing policy
4:10 PM.Leroy Beckett of Generation Zero with his views on the Labour Party's newly-announced housing policy. Audio
Chch - the best place to be a kiwi
4:24 PM.Former Christchurch mayor Garry Moore talks about a new promotional video for Christchurch. And are it's residents anti-intellectual? Audio
A young world
4:34 PM.There are more young people on earth than there has ever been. What of the future for them? Audio
Panel Says
4:40 PM.What the Panelists John Barnett and Selwyn Manning hav been thinking about. Audio
Pokemon Go
4:43 PM.Pokemon Go player Reuben Tilley talks about his lifelong love of Pokemon and explains what Go is all about. Audio
Facebook - an accidental news source
4:50 PM.Does Facebook need to take it's role as news provider more seriously? Audio
Massive car parking hike in Auckland
4:56 PM.Are Auckland CBD streets paved with gold - you'd think so with the new parking rates. Audio
Kentucky's Ark Encounter
4:57 PM.Is there any harm in a Noah's Ark display. Displayed in an educational way? Audio