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The Panel for Thursday 14 April 2016
Panel Pre-Show - Paul, Jim & Julie
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with David Farrar and Gary McCormick (Part 1)
4:05 PM.What the Panelists Gary McCormick and David Farrar have been up to. Associate Professor Steven Hoadley discusses how soem New Zealand Navy vessels haven't left port for years. Why do we have them… Read more Audio
The Panel with David Farrar and Gary McCormick (Part 2)
4:06 PM.More people are living beyond their means to try to portray an image of material success. What the Panelists Gary McCormick and David Farrar have been thinking about. Dr Dushko Bogunovich discusses… Read more Audio
The Panel Intro
4:07 PM.What the Panelists Gary McCormick and David Farrar have been up to. Audio
Navy vessels in the doldrums
4:12 PM.Associate Professor Steven Hoadley discusses how soem New Zealand Navy vessels haven't left port for years. Why do we have them? Audio
Duplex demolition
4:22 PM.Roger Levie of the Homeowners and Buyers Association talks about the Auckland duplex which is being half-demolished without consulting the other half's owners. Audio
Fears for more cheap booze for students
4:29 PM.Opposition to a supermarket liquor license application at "Chunder Lane".
Living the dream - but not paying for it
4:33 PM.More people are living beyond their means to try to portray an image of material success. Audio
Panel Says
4:36 PM.What the Panelists Gary McCormick and David Farrar have been thinking about. Audio
Auckland's halo effect
4:44 PM.Dr Dushko Bogunovich discusses the accidental spread from Auckland to Hamilton. Audio
Deputy PM says some kiwis are hopeless
4:52 PM.Bill English backed imigration by saying New Zealanders are "pretty damned hopeless". Are we a lazy, useless lot? Audio
Kindness meters
4:56 PM.Wellington's city councillors have opted not to ban the beggars. The council will look at bringing in kindness meters, where people donate to receptacles around the city instead of to the beggars… Read more Audio