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The Panel for Friday 6 November 2015
The Panel pre-show for 6 November 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Chris Galavin and Michele A'Court (Part 1)
4:05 PM.It's the start of the NCEA exams today; Professor Alexander Gillespie of Massey University talks about what has been revealed in the newly-released TPP details; and a New Zeland study has found that… Read more Audio
The Panel with Chris Galavin and Michele A'Court (Part 2)
4:06 PM.New findings about Mars from NASA. It's atmosphere was blown away by the Sun, Deakin University terrorism expert Greg Barton talks about the crash of a Russian passenger plane over Egypt and what it… Read more Audio
Panel Intro
4:07 PM.What the Panelists Chris Galavin and Michele A'Court have been up to. Audio
National Certificate of Educational Achievement
4:10 PM.It's the start of the NCEA exams today. Audio
Trans-Pacific Partnership
4:14 PM.Professor Alexander Gillespie of Massey University talks about what has been revealed in the newly-released TPP details. Audio
Facebook bad for introverts good for extroverts
4:20 PM.A New Zeland study has found that Facebook has different effects on different people. University of Auckland lead researcher Samantha Stronge talks about the findings. Audio
4:35 PM.New findings about Mars from NASA. It's atmosphere was blown away by the Sun. Audio
Panel Says
4:37 PM.What the Panelists Chris Galavin and Michele A'Court have been thinking about. Audio
Egypt plane crash
4:40 PM.Deakin University terrorism expert Greg Barton talks about the crash of a Russian passenger plane over Egypt and what it means if a bomb was responsible. Audio
US politician's pyramid theory
4:50 PM.Egyptian archaeologist Sarah Vidler tells us the truth about the pyramids after a US presidential hopeful Ben Carson brought up an old theory that they were giant storage facilities. Audio
Walking lanes
4:57 PM.There are now walking lanes in Liverpool to suit the different paces of walkers. Audio