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The Panel for Thursday 10 September 2015
The Panel pre-show for 10 September 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Amanda Millar and Julia Hartley Moore (Part 1)
4:03 PM.What the Panelists Julia Hartley Moore and Amanda Millar have been up to. A Christchurch high school pupil takes a hammer to school. Christoph Schumacher of Massey University talks to us about NZ's… Read more Audio
The Panel with Amanda Millar and Julia Hartley Moore (Part 2)
4:05 PM.A London lawyer didn't appreciate a LinkedIn contact saying her profile picture was stunning. What the Panelists Julia Hartley-Moore and Amanda Millar have beein thinking about. A petition's… Read more Audio
Panel Intro
4:07 PM.What the Panelists Julia Hartley Moore and Amanda Millar have been up to. Audio
The OCR and the rest of the world
4:18 PM.Christoph Schumacher of Massey University talks to us about NZ's interest rates and how this sits in the world economy. Audio
Opua School ERO report
4:27 PM.A claim of bias in an Education review Office report of Opua School. Audio
Stunning picture
4:35 PM.A London lawyer didn't appreciate a LinkedIn contact saying her profile picture was stunning. Audio
Panel Says
4:43 PM.What the Panelists Julia Hartley-Moore and Amanda Millar have beein thinking about. Audio
Special work hours for RWC
4:47 PM.A petition's circulating for the working world to revolve around the Rugby World Cup. Audio
All Blacks RWC chances
4:52 PM.Former All Black Grant Fox joins the Panel to talk about this team's chances at the Rugby World Cup. Audio
Bus driver cleared for wife's freebie
4:58 PM.A Dunedin bus driver has been awarded $10k compensation after being wrongfully dismissed for giving his wife free bus rides. Audio