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The Panel for Friday 4 September 2015
The Panel pre-show for 4 September 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
Panel Intro
4:10 PM.What Panelists Steve McCabe and Simon Pound have been up to. Audio
The Panel with Simon Pound and Steve McCabe (part 1)
4:10 PM.Why are Syrian refugees not heading to the Gulf states?; and the secret list of shoddily-built schools. Audio
The crisis in Syria
4:12 PM.Al Gillespie of the University of Waikato tells us why Syrian refugees aren't seeking refuge in the Gulf States. Audio
The Shoddy Schools list
4:20 PM.The government isn't giving much away about schools which are leaky and mouldy. The president of HOBANZ John Gray joins the Panel. Audio
Giving way to cyclists
4:35 PM.Patrick Morgan of the Cycling Advocates Network joins the Panel to talk about if bikes and cars can ever co-exist in peace. Audio
The Panel Says
4:40 PM.What the Panelists Stev McCabe and Simon Pound have been thinking about. Audio
The Panel with Simon Pound and Steve McCabe (part 2)
4:40 PM.Giving way to cyclists and the cycling lobby, and giving birth with the aid of a dolphin midwife. Audio
Dolphin midwives
4:50 PM.A pregnant woman in Hawaii plans on giving birth in the ocean - with a dolphin. Zoologist Liz Slooten tells us if dolphins have any special midwifery skills. Audio