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The Panel for Tuesday 1 September 2015
The Panel pre-show for 1 September 2015
3:46 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Lisa Scott and Matt Lowrie (Part 1)
4:05 PM.Four flags have been revealed as the top picks to replace our current national flag. What does a multi-million dollar study into obesity and New Zealand genetics is hope to achieve? Are Auckland and… Read more Audio
The Panel with Lisa Scott and Matt Lowrie (Part 2)
4:07 PM.Are we too dedicated to work? What the Panelists Lisa Scott and Matt Lowrie have been thinking about. What exactly is business confidence? EQC has spent $68m on travel-related costs since the… Read more Audio
Panel Intro
4:10 PM.What The Panelists Lisa Scott and Matt Lowrie have been up to. Audio
And then there were four
4:12 PM.Four flags have been revealed as the top picks to replace our current national flag. Dr Claire Robinson tells us what she thinks of the designs, and the political marketing behind them. Audio
Genetics and obesity
4:19 PM.Professor Tony Merriman joins The Panel to discuss what a multi-million dollar study into obesity and New Zealand genetics is hoped to achieve. Audio
Friendly cities
4:28 PM.Do you agree with the survey in Condé Nast Traveler magazine that Auckland and Queenstown are New Zealand's friendliest cities? Audio
Panel Says
4:39 PM.What the Panelists Lisa Scott and Matt Lowrie have been thinking about. Audio
So business confidence is?
4:48 PM.What exactly is business confidence? We ask economist Michael Gordon. Audio
4:52 PM.The health benefits of a daytime nap. Audio
EQC's $68m travel bill
4:55 PM.The Earthquake Commission has spent $68m on travel-related costs since the September 2010 quake. Audio
MH370 flaperon
4:56 PM.There's still uncertainty around the piece of jet wing found on Reunion Island. Audio
Ardern's knight in shining armour
4:59 PM.Labour MP Grant Robertson has come to the defence of his colleague Jacinda Ardern. Audio