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The Panel for Monday 10 August 2015
The Panel pre-show for 10 August 2015
3:45 PM.What the world is talking about. With Jesse Mulligan, Jim Mora, Irene Gardiner, and Zoe George. Audio
The Panel with Irene Gardiner and Michael Moynahan (Part 1)
4:08 PM.Cold times in New Zealand. Whangarei's Anne Power has been in the High Court, appealing a conviction for ill-treating a horse that died. The New Zealand Humanist Society's come out against the Harmful… Read more Audio
The Panel with Irene Gardiner and Michael Moynahan (Part 2)
4:09 PM.A PricewaterhouseCoopers report released in March this year reckons "rampant and excessive consumption" is waning. Age Discrimination Commissioner in Australia, Susan Ryan, says older people are… Read more Audio
Panel Intro
4:10 PM.What the Panelists Michael Moynahan and Irene Gardiner have been up to. Audio
Cold times in New Zealand
4:13 PM.New Zealand is continuing to shiver its way through a cold snap, with temperatures struggling to reach double digits in some places. Parts of Southland and Otago received a dumping of snow to low… Read more Audio
The rights of animals
4:19 PM.Auckland Animal Rights Group President Nicola Davies is quoted as saying "All animals should have the same rights and not be killed for fun. They all have the exact same right to life as your humble… Read more Audio
Has NZ got strict blasphemy laws?
4:24 PM.The New Zealand Humanist Society's come out against the Harmful Digital Communications Act, which it says contains one of the world's strictest blasphemy laws. Audio
Donald Trump's comments at the Republican debate
4:28 PM.Republicans are queueing up to condemn Donald Trump for what he said about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly in the big television debate. Some have said this will finally be the gaffe that sinks Trump's… Read more Audio
The post-consumer
4:36 PM.The publication Buyer's Remorse thinks it has discerned a trend that will affect us all. On its cover a kicked-over shopping trolley in a puddle of blood. "Why anti-brand values are killing… Read more Audio
Panel Says
4:42 PM.What the Panelists Michael Moynahan and Irene Gardiner have been thinking about. Audio
Older Australian home buyers may be being disciminated against
4:46 PM.Age Discrimination Commissioner in Australia, Susan Ryan, says older people are complaining to their Human Rights Commission after being refused home loans based on their age. Audio
Selection changes likely as AB seek revenge at Eden Park
4:52 PM.The scrum, breakdown, halves and midfield all failed to fire during the 27-19 loss in Sydney. Audio
Story starts
4:58 PM.TV3's current affairs show Story with Duncan Garner and Heather du Plessis will start soon. Audio