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The Panel for Wednesday 10 June 2015
The Panel pre-show for 10 June 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Lynda Hallinan and Peter Elliott (Part 1)
4:05 PM.Topics - This time the warnings and advice about Auckland's housing market is coming from the OECD. Economist Brian Gaynor joins the Panel to discuss the worst possible scenario. Netball goal shoot… Read more Audio
The Panel with Lynda Hallinan and Peter Elliott (Part 2
4:06 PM.Topics - The name of the famous Sex Pistols album Never Mind the Bollocks has come into disrepute. But print advertising for the new line of Virgin credit cards which carry the phrase have censored… Read more Audio
Panel Intro
4:10 PM.What the Panelists Peter Elliott and Lynda Hallinan have been up to. Audio
OECD on Auckland housing
4:14 PM.This time the warnings and advice about Auckland's housing market is coming from the OECD. Economist Brian Gaynor joins the Panel to discuss the worst possible scenario. Audio
Tutaia's socks
4:23 PM.Netball goal shoot Maria Tutaia may have broken uniform rules because of wearing compression clothing. Does it matter? Audio
NZ Post TV ad
4:25 PM.An arty and expensive NZ Post ad starring British actor Charles Dance isn't impressing postal workers. Up to 300 postie jobs are being axed this year. Audio
Allergy death
4:28 PM.An elderly woman died after being administered a drug she was allergic to, despite her wearing a Medic Alert bracelet. Audio
Virgin credit cards
4:35 PM.The name of the famous Sex Pistols album Never Mind the Bollocks has come into disrepute. But print advertising for the new line of Virgin credit cards which carry the phrase have censored out the… Read more Audio
Panel Says
4:40 PM.What the Panelists Peter Elliott and Lynda Hallinan have been thinking about. Audio
Dunedin vegie gardens contaminated
4:43 PM.After flooding in Dunedin residents have been warned eating produce from their gardens could be a health risk. Audio
Lewis Road Breast Milk
4:46 PM.Dairy company Lewis Road Creamery has re-labelled one of it's products Breast Milk. A percentage of the sales of the homogenised cow's milk will go to a breast cancer charity. We talk to the owner of… Read more Audio
Carry on luggage
4:52 PM.New international guidelines have been announced for the size of cabin luggage. Audio
No fees for tertiary students in Germany
4:54 PM.No fee universities in Germany are attracting local and international students alike. Do we need to extend Invercargill's scheme to other parts of NZ? Audio
4:56 PM.Three notable New Zealanders have passed away in the space of a week. The Panel reflect on Sir Peter Williams, Peter Conway and Lecretia Seales. Audio