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The Panel for Tuesday 2 June 2015
The Panel pre-show for 2 June 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Sally Wenley and Neil Miller (Part 1)
4:00 PM.Dairy payout; speed bumps. Audio
Panel intro
4:08 PM.What the Panelists Sally Wenley and Neil Miller have been up to. Audio
Dairy payout
4:14 PM.Dairy NZ says the average dairy farmer will be $150,000 worse off in the 2015-16 season compared with this season. Should we have seen this coming? Audio
Speed bumps
4:24 PM.Plans for traffic-slowing platforms on Northcote Point's main street in Auckland have irked the Health Minister. Audio
The Panel with Sally Wenley and Neil Miller (Part 2)
4:30 PM.Panel says; gays take over; Asylum seekers; transgender. Audio
Gays take over
4:35 PM.The Church of England - this in England, in Braitain - has lost nearly two million followers in the last two years and is on the brink of "extinction", says a former Archbishop of Canterbury. Audio
Panel says
4:40 PM.What the panelists have been thinking about. Audio
Asylum seekers
4:45 PM.A people-smuggling boat with 65 people on board was headed to New Zealand. Steel-hulled and with every chance of making it across the Tasman. Audio
4:55 PM.What are we to make of this? It's on every front page of every newspaper in the world. Bruce Jenner has become Caitlyn Jenner. Audio