Navigation for The Panel
The Panel for Tuesday 26 May 2015
The Panel pre-show for 26 May 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Michelle Boag and Brian Edwards (Part 1)
4:06 PM.What the Panelists Michelle Boag and Brian Edwards have been up to. National MP Maurice Williamson has approached the Act Party about becoming a member. It's been let out of the bag - is it in bad… Read more Audio
Panel Intro
4:07 PM.What the Panelists Michelle Boag and Brian Edwards have been up to. Audio
The Panel with Michelle Boag and Brian Edwards (Part 2)
4:07 PM.A Columbia Business Schoool study has found it takes 30 seconds for someone to create a first impression. What the Panelists Michelle Boag and Brian Edwards have been thinking about. Defects in… Read more Audio
Maurice Williamson and Act
4:15 PM.National MP Maurice Williamson has approached the Act Party about becoming a member. It's been let out of the bag - is it in bad form to make this public? Audio
Fishing slavery
4:22 PM.A study of fishing boats operating in New Zealand waters has recorded reports of Indonesian workers toiling in slavery-like conditions. We talk to Dr Glenn Simmons who conducted the study. Audio
First impressions
4:34 PM.A Columbia Business Schoool study has found it takes 30 seconds for someone to create a first impression. Audio
Panel Says
4:40 PM.What the Panelists Michelle Boag and Brian Edwards have been thinking about. Audio
Apartment compliance
4:53 PM.Defects in apartment buildings in Australia are a major concern for owners. we talk to Roger Levie of the Home Owners And Buyers Association of NZ about whether there are similar worries here. Audio