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The Panel for Friday 15 May 2015
The Panel pre-show for 15 May 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Josie McNaught and Finlay MacDonald (Part 1)
4:00 PM.Wellington weather; global alcohol; TPPA; schoolboy beard. Audio
Panel Intro
4:10 PM.What the Panelists Josie McNaught and Finlay MacDonald have been up to. Audio
Wellington Weather
4:12 PM.Wellington infrastucture in for a hammering by the critics after yesterday's torrential rain. We catch up with weather commentator Richard Green for the latest and the weekend's prospects. Audio
Global alcohol
4:18 PM.From tomorrow there'll be no alcohol served after 11pm under the Waimakariri District Council's new local alcohol policy, the strictest in the country. We take a look at global alcohol consumption. Audio
TPPA - breakthrough in Senate
4:22 PM.A breakthrough in the US senate on the TPPA vote. We talk to Al Gillespie of Waikato University about what the deal means for Barack Obama. Audio
School boy beard
4:28 PM.The boy with the beard has now left Hornby High in Christchurch and is doing correspondence school. Audio
The Panel with Josie McNaught and Finlay MacDonald (Part 2)
4:30 PM.Aquarius;Panel says;Facebook news source;Aussie war on terriers;When Harry met Sally..and the rest of NZ. Audio
4:35 PM.A study from the University of Connecticut shows the time of year that a child is born has some bearing on their future. Does this support astrology then? Audio
Panel says
4:40 PM.What the Panelists Josie McNaught and Finlay MacDonald have been thinking about. Audio
Facebook news source
4:45 PM.Facebook is now a news source. Greg Treadwell from AUT talks to the Panel about whether this bodes well or ill for traditional online news and the quality of the news. Audio
Aussie war on terriers
4:50 PM.The forrmer sexiest man alive (twice!) is no match for bureaucracy. Johhny Depp's been told to get his yorkies out of Australia after he didn't take them through the usual quarantine procedures. Audio
When Harry met Sally..and the rest of NZ
4:55 PM.Prince Harry's been a popularity hit. Do we want royals to be "normal"? Audio