Navigation for The Panel
The Panel for Friday 8 May 2015
The Panel pre-show for 8 May 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Niki Bezzant and Simon Pound (Part 1)
4:07 PM.British election; window washers; free speech. Audio
Panel Intro
4:08 PM.What our Panelists, Niki Bezzant and Simon Pound, have been up to lately. Audio
British Election
4:14 PM.The Panel discusses early results from the British General Election. Audio
Window washers
4:20 PM.Angry disputes have erupted between motorists and window washers at a Manukau intersection. What can be done about this? Audio
Free speech
4:25 PM.Free speech includes the right to cause offence, doesn't it? Audio
The Panel with Niki Bezzant and Simon Pound (Part 2)
4:30 PM.TV themes;Panel says; Chinese migrants; work stress. Audio
TV themes
4:35 PM.Are great TV themes a thing of the past? Audio
Panel says
4:40 PM.What our Panelists, Niki Bezzant and Simon Pound, have been thinking about. Audio
Chinese migrants
4:50 PM.Chinese migrants are using New Zealand as a stepping stone to a third country, or return to China to obtain better jobs. Is there anything wrong with that? Audio
Work stress
4:55 PM.Are you more stressed at work now than you were five years ago? Audio