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The Panel for Tuesday 14 April 2015
The Panel pre-show for 14 April 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Ella Henry and David Slack (Part 1)
4:10 PM.Topics - Prof Mark Henaghan Dean of Law at Otago University joins the Panel to discuss the pros and cons of providing the public with doctors performance data. The US says ISIS is losing ground in… Read more Audio
Naming erring doctors
4:14 PM.Prof Mark Henaghan Dean of Law at Otago University joins the Panel to discuss the pros and cons of providing the public with doctors performance data. Audio
IS losing in Iraq gaining in Syria
4:21 PM.The US says ISIS is losing ground in Iraq. Do New Zealand troops still need to go then? We ask International law professor Al Gillespie of the University of Waikato. Audio
4:34 PM.Nostalgia was once considered an illness. Now we love it and gain comfort from it. Audio
The Panel with Ella Henry and David Slack (Part 2)
4:35 PM.Topics - Nostalgia was once considered an illness. Now we love it and gain comfort from it. New Zealand TV companies are launching legal proceedings against an online service which gives users access… Read more Audio
TV protectionism and piracy
4:42 PM.New Zealand TV companies are launching legal proceedings against an online service which gives users access to overseas sites like Netflix. Geek Ben Gracewood joins the Panel to discuss. Audio
Kids book ires parents
4:58 PM.A book about two male penguins who raised a chick together is one of the most complained about in the US. Audio