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The Panel for Tuesday 24 March 2015
The Panel pre-show for 24 March 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Julia Hartley Moore and Chris Trotter (Part 1)
4:00 PM.St Bede's rowers;Job hunting with the GCSB. Audio
St Bede's rowers
4:12 PM.St Bede's school is grappling with a High Court injunction that over-rode their sending home of two boys after a breach at Auckland Airport. Christchurch lawyer Dr Duncan Webb talks about the judge's… Read more Audio
Job hunting with the GCSB
4:20 PM.Edward Snowden documents show GCSB spied Tim Groser's rivals for the role of head of the WTO. We talk to privacy specialist lawyer Kathryn Dalziel from Taylor Shaw. Audio
The Panel with Julia Hartley Moore and Chris Trotter (Part 2)
4:30 PM.Rituals;Panel says;Netflix launches;Kids take the day off for cricket;Northland by election;Artificial Intelligence and relationships. Audio
4:35 PM.A giant wooden tower built in the Northern Irish City of Londonderry was ritually set alight as a way of remembering and releasing the grief and anger over the Bloody Sunday killings in 1972. The… Read more Audio
Panel Says
4:40 PM.What the Panelists Julia Hartley-Moore and Chris Trotter have been thinking about. Audio
Netflix launches
4:45 PM.US internet TV provider Netflix launches in NZ today. We talk to self-proclaimed iT geek Ben Gracewood about if it's any good. Audio
Kids take the day off for cricket
4:50 PM.Cricket a good reason to shut the school gates early. Is it? Audio
Northland by election
4:52 PM.More Northlanders enrolling for the by-election than the last general election. What can we surmise from this? Audio
Artificial Intelligence and relationships
4:57 PM.Writer Ray Kurzweil suggests human-AI romance could occur within 15 years. would you date an AI? Audio