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The Panel for Thursday 19 March 2015
The Panel pre-show for 19 March 2015
3:46 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Ellen Read and Gordon McLauchlan (Part 1)
4:06 PM.Topics - what the Panelists Ellen Read and Gordon McLauchlan have been up to. The Independent Police Conduct Authority report finds deficiencies in the Police handling of the case. Feminist… Read more Audio
Panel intro
4:07 PM.What the Panelists Ellen Read and Gordon McLauchlan have been up to. Audio
IPCA report on "Roastbusters"
4:12 PM.The Independent Police Conduct Authority report finds deficiencies in the Police handling of the case. Feminist commentator Dr Deborah Russell joins the Paenl with her assessment of the report. Audio
Two-speed economy
4:23 PM.A yin and yang economy with strong domestic demand pulling against a weaker export sector. What's going to give? Audio
Local body democracy
4:26 PM.Is a mixed-model of elected and appointed councillors the way to go? Or will it erode the will of the people? We ask the major of Ashburton District Angus McKay. Audio
The Panel with Ellen Read and Gordon McLauchlan (Part 2)
4:36 PM.Topics - what the Panelists Ellen Read and Gordon McLauchlan have been thinking about. Two contestants on the reality TV show The Bachelor have now been outed as having criminal convictions. Is it a… Read more Audio
Partner, husband, wife, lover, other half, significant other
4:37 PM.Partner, husabnd, wife, lover, other half, significant other. Are you ok with any of these terms? Audio
Panel says
4:44 PM.What the Panelists Ellen Read and Gordon McLauchlan have been thinking about. Audio
Arresting viewing
4:50 PM.Two contestants on the reality TV show The Bachelor have now been outed as having criminal convictions. Is it a deliberate ratings grab or shoddy production? Find out what TV critic Jane Bowron… Read more Audio
Pregnant woman refused wine
4:54 PM.A pregnant woman was refused alcohol service when she was out for dinner. What do the Panelists think? Audio
Emergency Department Alcohol Project
4:56 PM.The EDAP will ask young people about their drinking in the hope some of them will wake up and realise they may have a problem. Audio
Stolen wishes
4:58 PM.Stuff says "Hundreds of dreams have been stolen by thieves nicking coins from the wishing well at Pukekura Park's fernery." Audio