Navigation for The Panel
The Panel for Tuesday 17 March 2015
The Panel pre-show for 17 March 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Graham Bell and Lynda Halinan [Part 1]
4:07 PM.Grey Power says Super City not working, Auckland housing and Oil price and petrol prices. Audio
Grey Power says Super City not working
4:12 PM.Bill Rayner the director of Grey Power's Auckland zone joins the Panel to discuss why he supports the Chamber of Commerce's CEO Michael Barnett's claim the Auckland Council is not fit for purpose. Audio
Auckland housing
4:18 PM.The Economic Development Minister Steven Joyce simplifies Auckland's housing problem - the city just needs all sorts. Is it that simple? Audio
Oil price and petrol prices
4:25 PM.Can we get to the bottom of fluctuating oil prices and how that's reflected in the price you pay to fill your car up? Let's try with the AA's Policy Analyst Mark Stockdale. Audio
The Panel with Graham Bell and Lynda Halinan [Part 2]
4:33 PM.The Great Fern Foisting Conspiracy, GST for e-commerce and X Factor. Audio
St Patrick's Day
4:34 PM.Noelle McCarthy joins the Panel to talk about being Irish on St Patrick's Day. Audio
Panel says
4:41 PM.What the Panelists Graham Bell and Lynda Hallinan have been thinking about. Audio
The Great Fern Foisting Conspiracy
4:48 PM.Designer Michael Smythe talks to the Panel fresh from speaking at the Canterbury Museum about a new flag and why he doesn't want it to be the silver fern. Audio
GST for e-commerce
4:53 PM.The PM says we could soon be paying GST for on-line purchases. Audio
X Factor boom in ratings
4:55 PM.The cynical ploy to up the ratings has paid off. If that what the firing of X Factor's two abusive judges was. Audio
Elton's spat with Dolce and Gabbana
4:59 PM.The Italian designers raised Sir Elton's hackles after his IVF children were called "synthetic". Is Elton over-reacting in leading a boycott against the fashion house? Audio