Navigation for The Panel
The Panel for Tuesday 3 March 2015
The Panel pre-show for 3 March 2015
3:45 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Josie Pagani and Tony Doe (Part 1)
4:07 PM.Topics - Child Support iT system to cost an estimated $30 million, The latest case of key snatching was by a man who says he's grabbed keys of tourist drivers before. The victims of the Ashburton WINZ… Read more Audio
The Panel with Josie Pagani and Tony Doe (Part 2)
4:08 PM.Topics - How much belt tightening, lack of pay rises, and rates increases can people take? A temporary exhibition on WW1 in Wellington could become a permanent fixture, as the Conflict Museum. The… Read more Audio
Panel introduction
4:10 PM.What the panelists Tony Doe and Josie Pagani have been up to. Audio
Child Support IT system to cost $163m
4:13 PM.The cost of implementing a new child support system has gone up from an estimated $30 million to $163 million. Ben Gracewood of joins the Panel to discuss yet another public sector iT… Read more Audio
Car Key Snatch
4:17 PM.The latest case of key snatching was by a man who says he's grabbed keys of tourist drivers before. Audio
Financial Breaking Point
4:33 PM.How much belt tightening, lack of pay rises, and rates increases can people take? Audio
Conflict Museum
4:43 PM.A temporary exhibition on WW1 in Wellington could become a permanent fixture, as the Conflict Museum. Do the panelists think we need another war museum? They talk to the chair of the National Army… Read more Audio
Panel says
4:49 PM.What's on the minds of panelists Tony Doe and Josie Pagani. Audio
Payrise Refusal by MPs
4:57 PM.The possibility of MPs refusing to take a payrise has the PSA worried it could provide the government with ammo to thwart pay negotiations. Audio