Navigation for The Panel
The Panel for Monday 16 February 2015
The Panel pre-show for 16 February 2015
3:46 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Lavina Good and Barry Corbett (Part 1)
4:07 PM.Topics - What the panelists Lavina Good and Barry Corbett have been up to. Architect Adam Mercer on the latest chapter in the Sky City deal for the Auckland Convention Centre. Does it matter how flash… Read more Audio
Panel Intro
4:08 PM.What the panelists Lavina Good and Barry Corbett have been up to. Audio
Sky City Backlash
4:11 PM.Architect Adam Mercer on the latest chapter in the Sky City deal for the Auckland Convention Centre. Does it matter how flash it is? Audio
Pitch-siding at the Cricket World Cup
4:22 PM.Why are NZ Police policing the cricket world cup? Civil Liberties lawyer Michael Bott thinks they're doing the work of the ICC - not NZ law. Audio
The Panel with Lavina Good and Barry Corbett (Part 2)
4:31 PM.Topics - a criminal was finally captured by NY police - after escaping custody in 1977. What's on the minds of panelists Lavina Good and Barry Corbett. Predator Dog Ranger Scott Theobold explains why… Read more Audio
He Fought the Law - But it Eventually Won
4:32 PM.A criminal was finally captured by NY police - after escaping custody in 1977. Audio
Panel says
4:36 PM.What's on the minds of panelists Lavina Good and Barry Corbett. Audio
Can Dogs Be Trained to Kill Stoats?
4:43 PM.Predator Dog Ranger Scott Theobold explains why dogs trained to find pests aren't trained to also kill them. Audio
Student Clean Up too Much for Cleaner
4:52 PM.A Dunedin street-cleaning contractor refused to clean up Hyde St after a 1000-strong party left a carpet of broken glass. Audio
School Kids PE Gear - how much?
4:57 PM.Sports tops for kids at Parnell District School are raising eybrows and parents' bills priced at $62. Audio