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The Panel for Friday 31 October 2014
The Panel pre-show for 31 October 2014
3:32 PM.Your feedback, and a preview of the guests and topics on The Panel. Audio
The Panel with Jock Anderson and Sally Wenley (Part 1)
4:06 PM.Topics - it may yet be a dangerous driving charge that delivers Kim Dotcom into the hands of the American authorities. The out-going head of KiwiRail Jim Quinn got an $80-thousand payrise as his… Read more Audio
The Panel with Jock Anderson and Sally Wenley (Part 2)
4:36 PM.Topics - There's a lot of hype and conjecture and extrapolation in music industry sales figures historicaly; "Thriller" probably sold around 50 or 60 million copies rather than the oft-quoted "well… Read more Audio