Navigation for The Macmillan Brown Lectures
2010 - The World Under One Roof
Macmillan Brown lecture 1, 2010
Temples to Science: Museums continue to be a burgeoning worldwide phenomenon. They come in a myriad of sizes and guises. Today it seems no community is complete without one or more! But how many of… Read more Audio
Macmillan Brown lecture 2, 2010
Museums in the Colonies The great natural history and encyclopaedic museums of Europe arose as colonial empires were expanding round the globe. Efforts to organise, classify and display the material… Read more Audio
Macmillan Brown lecture 3, 2010
Indigenous heritage and museums today. Encyclopaedic museums were institutions born of 'Enlightenment' values and committed to a belief that through the study of things from all over the world, truth… Read more Audio