26 Jul 2020

Chatting at the exit: departing MPs talk parliament 

From The House , 7:29 am on 26 July 2020

I count 26 MPs who have left or plan to leave at the end of this parliamentary term. 

One each  from New Zealand First and the Greens, four from Labour and a massive 18 from National. That’s more than a third of the National Party caucus going or gone. 

Of course other MPs may also leave at the election by accident. 

At The House we have invited departing MPs to have a chat with us on the way out.

In the Sunday show this week we have highlights from interviews with Green MP Gareth Hughes and Labour MP Clare Curran. For each the audio above represents only about a third of what they discussed and I recommend listening to their full chats. You can hear all of Gareth Hughes here, and Clare Curran here.

Green MP Gareth Hughes in committee asks a question about animal welfare and fireworks.

Green MP Gareth Hughes in committee asks a question about animal welfare and fireworks. Photo: ©VNP / Phil Smith

Clare Curran 9 august 2018

Clare Curran speaking in the debating chamber Photo: VNP / Phil Smith

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