22 Sep 2013

TED Radio Hour: Food Matters

From TED Radio Hour, 4:06 pm on 22 September 2013

A cornucopia of great TED Talks about food: growing it, cooking it, consuming it - and making sure there's enough for everyone. Biodiversity expert Cary Fowler is looking to save seeds to protect the future of food. Architect Carolyn Steel discusses the daily miracle of feeding a city, and explains how ancient food routes shaped the modern world. Chef Ann Cooper has some fighting words about what's in kids' lunches. And Chef Dan Barber tells the story of the best fish he ever ate, raised in Spain using a revolutionary farming method. Featuring extracts from the Ted Talks: Carolyn Steel: How Does Food Shape Cities? Cary Fowler And Ann Cooper: Can We Protect Food's Future And Improve School Lunch? Dan Barber: Does Good Flavor Equal Sustainability?

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